
Much more than a #, joining the Covivio team means flourishing in the workplace and in life, taking part in ambitious European projects, embracing a useful profession that has meaning, and developing in the heart of a company that encourages responsibility and values expertise.

Our purpose

An inspiring and commited company

Our ambition: build sustainable relationships and well-being.

At Covivio, we are committed and aware of our environmental impacts. As a specialist in living real estate, we know that our projects take a long-term view. We are constantly seeking to develop sustainable solutions that respect the environmental, social and economic challenges of today and tomorrow. For shared well-being.

Our corporate purpose, an excellent compass to guide Covivio

The spirit of our corporate purpose? It is rooted in the daily lives of our teams. At the heart of our strategy, it brings meaning to our actions and confirms our commitments. We consider it essential to share an ambition, a common goal that unites, commits and brings teams together, whether they are accountants, asset managers, IT specialists or Chief executive officers, based in Berlin, Paris or Milan.

Géraldine LemoineChief Communication Officer & Vice-President of Covivio Foundation

Quality of work life

We feel good at Covivio

At Covivio, we understand that a company’s health depends on the well-being of its teams. That is why we work to improve it every day! Every two years, we conduct an internal survey to measure the satisfaction and commitment of our teams. The results are no secret – we share them with the entire company!

It’s important to get feedback from our employees about issues like quality of working life, communication between teams, change management, innovation and cooperation between all partners. With every edition, the results challenge us to make better progress together.

Elsa canetti
Human Resources Director, Covivio

European parity goal

Initiated in 2017 by Covivio, Ex-Aequo is a European program designed to promote equality between women and men. It has three main components: awareness-raising, HR actions (recruitment, remuneration, training, etc.) and mentoring. It enables women employees who so wish to benefit from support provided by one of the members of Top Management. Each year, around thirty French, Italian and German women benefit from this programme.

Salle du restaurant, Hôtel Mercure, Boulogne

In France, the 2025 gender equality index (based on 2024 data) for Covivio is 94/100

  1. The gender pay gap: 34/40
  2. The gap in the rate of individual salary increases (excluding promotions): 20/20
  3. The gap in promotion rates between women and men: 15/15
  4. The % of employees who received a raise in the year they returned from maternity leave: 15/15
  5. The number of employees of the under-represented gender in the highest paid positions: 10/10

Law 2021-1774 of 2021 (known as the Rixain Law) creates an obligation for large companies to reach a minimum target of 30% of women and men among their senior managers and 30% of women and men within their management bodies within 5 years. For 2023 (based on 2022 data), Covivio obtains the following results:

  1. Percentage of women and men in senior management: 62%
  2. Percentage of women and men among the members of the management bodies: 38%.

An ambitious training policy

Besides rewarding people for their performance, helping them develop their skills is also crucial. Here at Covivio, we prefer a tailored and individual approach to training. This is achieved through a bold training policy with a budget representing nearly 4% of the total payroll. The policy focuses on both hard skills and soft skills. Career interviews, “people reviews” and individual coaching sessions all contribute towards employees’ professional development.

We are always investing more in training and make it available to as many people as possible. We also adapt to our employees by offering part-time schemes to parents, early retirement plans, etc. Although Covivio is growing and developing a lot, the company’s atmosphere and goodwill remain unchanged.

Ute Sohrab
HR Development & Recruitment (Germany)

Career management


  • Onboarding day
  • Discussions with Senior Management
  • Lighter moments
  • 6-month HR review

Setting a challenge

  • Appraisal of past-year performance
  • Pinpointing training needs
  • Setting goals for the year ahead

Honing my skills

  • Training
  • Coaching
  • Individualised HR support

I am supported all year round

  • Mid-year tracking of objectives and work-load

Expressing my needs

  • Career review every 2 years
  • My career advancement

I’m in control of my career

  • Change of job, promotion, assuming a managerial post
  • Support for a taking on a new post
  • Coach training if and when needed

I’m backed up throughout my career path

  • Interview proposed by HR Office depending on individual situations

I get feedback

  • Periodic meeting for each line of business
  • Appreciation of skills
  • Anticipating job changes and developments
  • Identifying needs for group training
  • Projecting career paths

Destination europe

At Covivio, creating links across borders

“European” is not just the demarcation of a field of action – it is also a state of mind. As such, Covivio designs HR initiatives that promote ties between countries and reveal people’s talent.

France, Italy, Germany… : we mix perspectives and cultures by taking a European approach to our projects. Speaking several languages in the same day and constantly learning from your neighbours is the strength of Europe!

Graduate Program: a european adventure

Our Graduate Program offers three successive six-month assignments in France, Germany and Italy. Our aim is to provide young graduates with a tailor-made European experience.

For 18 months, our young graduate employees complete three six-month rotations, including at least one in Italy or Germany. Joining the Graduate Program is the guarantee of further developing your knowledge of the office and residential real estate environment by working for a leading operator with a European dimension.

Amélie Bégin
HR Manager (France)

Our commitments

Covivio Foundation: for the success of all

At Covivio, we know we need talent and motivation to succeed, but we also need a helping hand! This is why the Covivio Foundation, created in 2020, is committed to equal opportunities. In Italy, Germany and France, through local committees made up of Covivio teams, it supports the work of numerous associations. Covivio also facilitates employee involvement with the Socovivio programme based on skills sponsorship.

Meeting the carbon challenge together

Being ambitious in terms of carbon policy is good. Getting your teams on board is even better. In 2023, Covivio launched the Covivio 4 Climate (C4C) programme. The aim is to reduce the group’s corporate carbon emissions in Europe. Purchasing policy, home-work journeys, catering services, green IT… This is a major project in which each and every one of us can become involved on a daily basis to meet the climate challenge.