Covivio increases its proportion of green financing and signs for almost €500 million of financing arrangements

  • Finance

September 05, 2022

Covivio now holds 100% green bond tranches. Furthermore, during the summer, the Group signed new financing arrangements with major European banks totalling €485 million.

In August, Covivio finalised the conversion of a number of bond tranches into Green Bonds. 100% of Covivio Bonds are now green, totalling €2.8 billion. As one of the leading companies in its sector in terms of ESG performance and ratings, Covivio has reached a new milestone in aligning its financing policy with its ESG goals.

Moreover, mid-July the Group signed a €115 million green bank mortgage loan for the Silex² building in central Lyon for an eight-year term. At the end of July, the refinancing of a Berlin residential portfolio was signed for €145 million over a ten-year term. The average interest rate for these financing arrangements is 2.5%.

Late July, the Group also refinanced two green corporate credit facilities totalling €225 million, extending their maturities to 2027 and 2029. The basic financing terms have not changed and can be adjusted depending on the achievement of environmental criteria (carbon trajectory, building certification rate or energy consumption).


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