Covivio Foundation: four years of commitment to equal opportunity

  • Corporate & Real estate
  • CSR

January 07, 2025

Since its creation in 2020, the Covivio Foundation has distinguished itself through its commitment to equal opportunities. Through 360° support, both financial and in-kind, the Foundation has forged solid partnerships with over 30 associations in its host countries, France, Italy and Germany.

The Covivio Foundation celebrates four years of active contribution to promoting greater equality of opportunity for vulnerable populations. In response to the Group’s Raison d’Etre, “Building well-being and lasting ties”, the Foundation has structured and strengthened the financial and skills sponsorship actions carried out by Covivio for over 10 years, focusing its action on this central pillar for the company.

The aim is to be able to support projects in Europe along the entire path to integration: access to education and training, access to employment, access to housing, support for integration, social inclusion, reintegration of vulnerable populations…

Long-term support for 33 associations since 2020

At the end of 2024, the Foundation was supporting 26 associations, 15 of which had been in existence for at least 3 years, working to promote integration and skills development in a variety of ways, such as: in France, reintegration through training in catering professions, with Refugee Food; in Germany, through the development of soft skills through the practice of sport by young people and teenagers, with Olivier Kahn Stiftung; or, in Italy, through the creation of a solidarity business employing young people with disabilities with Via Libera.

To achieve this ambition, a budget of 1.7 million euros has been allocated over 5 years, covering the financing of projects as well as the operating costs inherent in the actions. With a view to achieving a lasting impact, Covivio has chosen to support associations mainly over 3-year periods, within the framework of calls for projects. This long-term approach ensures the sustainability of associative initiatives, triggering a virtuous knock-on effect.

Annual “one-shot” support can be activated to respond to relevant, one-off projects. This is notably the case for two projects in France for 2024, with associations such as Wake Up Café (supporting the professional integration of prison leavers) and Kabubu (welcoming and integrating refugees through sport).

Involved employees thanks to Socovivio’s in-house program

The Foundation involves Covivio teams as much as possible in the actions and projects it supports, with the aim of uniting employees around common projects, but also offering them forms of commitment that enable them to share their expertise and know-how.

Since 2021, as part of the Socovivio employee involvement program in Europe, almost 450 employees have taken part in one of 791 missions, representing over 3,500 hours of solidarity (40% in Italy, 37% in France and 23% in Germany).

Renewed and expanded ambitions

On the strength of these results, the Covivio Foundation intends to continue and intensify its efforts over the coming years. A new call for projects has been launched in France for the next 3 years. The approach will also be followed in Germany and Italy in 2025.

While financial support remains essential, Covivio intends to deploy 360° partnerships in a bid to create strong, tailor-made links with each of the associations it supports. One of the Foundation’s objectives will be to link its actions even more closely to Covivio’s day-to-day activities, with the aim of designing new joint projects or opening the doors of the Group’s assets.


  • 2020: Creation of the Covivio Corporate Foundation,
  • 2021 : Launch of the first call for projects in France for the deployment of three-year agreements, the first “one shot” supports in Europe and the employee engagement program (Socovivio),
  • 2022 : Launch of the first call for projects in Italy and Germany for the deployment of three-year agreements. Organization of 1e Socovivio Week and Socovivio Days in France and Italy,
  • 2023: Deployment of the Socovivio program in Germany,
  • 2024: Extension of the Foundation’s activities and budget for a further 5 years. Organization of the 3e Socovivio Weeks in Europe. Relaunch of a new call for projects in France for the deployment of three-year agreements.


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