Activity at end-September 2022: record letting performances
Property markets driven by good letting activity
- Offices: rental demand continued its rebound in Q3
- Germany residential: the growing imbalance between supply and demand continues to drive up rents
- Hotels: performances now surpassing 2019 levels
Continuation of good operating performances across all businesses
- 119,000 m² in office space let or pre-let since the beginning of 2022, plus 126,000 m² in leases renewed
- Further successes in our development pipeline: 3 deliveries in September, 76% let on average
- Sustained rental performance in Germany Residential
- Hotels: strong recovery confirmed
Record like-for-like revenue growth at end-September 2022: 13.9%
- Revenues, Group share up 13.9% like-for-like to €470.9 million
- Offices: acceleration of like-for-like growth to 4.5%, driven by indexation and lettings
- Germany Residential: up 3.0% like-for-like, 99% occupancy rate
- Hotels: up 85.3% like-for-like, driven by the rebound in variable revenues and asset management work
- Occupancy rate: 96.2%
Strengthened debt profile
ESG: Covivio awarded again by GRESB Rating in 2022
- 88/100 score and GRESB « 5-Star » rating maintained
Press Relations
Géraldine Lemoine
Tél : + 33 (0)1 58 97 51 00
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Louise-Marie Guinet
Tél : + 33 (0)1 43 26 73 56
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Investor Relations
Vladimir Minot
Tél : + 33 (0)1 58 97 51 94
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