
Offices, housing and hotels: Covivio's diversified portfolio is located in the heart of major European cities.


With 51% of offices in its assets, Covivio is a reference in the tertiary sector, whether in France, Italy or Germany.


Residential now accounts for 29% of Covivio’s assets. As an owner and developer, we own more than 40,000 housing in Germany. In France, we are accelerating the transformation of obsolete offices into housing, with 10 projects to date representing nearly 1,500 housing.


With 283 hotels in our portfolio, representing 20% of Covivio’s assets, we are the main property partner of hotel operators in France and Europe.


In Paris with Stream Building, or in Berlin with Alexanderplatz, Covivio decompartmentalizes uses to maximize the potential of each space and translate the urban ambition of the cities where the group is present.