Building smart buildings

Smart building by Covivio

Designed to be as flexible as they are scalable, the buildings designed by Covivio provide their occupants with optimum connectivity and a tailor-made range of services, for a seamless digital experience.

Building the smart buildings of tomorrow

Controlling energy consumption

Improving indoor air quality

BIM, a digital twin for our most recent buildings

Improved design and management

BIM provides a detailed overview of a building, thereby facilitating coordination between project stakeholders and improving the decision-making process.

Optimisation of costs and lead times

BIM enables us to optimise construction lead times and resources, resulting in significant savings.

Efficient life cycle management

the BIM approach allows more precise and efficient management of buildings throughout their life cycle, ensuring optimal performance.

BOS, generating value added thanks to building data

Centralised database

The BOS is the driving force behind data strategy, collating and organising information from multiple sources, from the BIM digital model through user applications and IoT sensors to technical and maintenance management.

Continuous improvement

By qualifying, enriching and structuring this data, the BOS improves our overall understanding of the building and its operation.

Visibility and responsiveness

Through various dashboards, the BOS offers an overview of occupancy, comfort, maintenance and energy consumption, generating real-time alerts and enabling optimised automation and management of the building.


Covivio offers its office customers a digital experience thanks to a mobile application that brings together all the services available in its buildings.
Thanks to its efficient monitoring, this application enables us to adapt quickly to our customers’ needs.

Meeting rising demand for modular spaces

IoT, a lever for greater flexibility

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