Accessibility: partially compliant

Covivio undertakes to make its internet, intranet and extranet sites and its software packages accessible (as well as its mobile applications and digital street furniture) in accordance with article 47 of law no. 2005-102 of 11 February 2005.

This declaration of accessibility applies to

Compliance status

Covivio, is partially compliant with version 4 of the General Accessibility Standards due to the non-conformities and derogations listed below.

Test results

The compliance audit carried out internally, by a person not involved in the development of the site, revealed that 90.67% of the applicable General Accessibility Standards criteria had been met.

This percentage corresponds to :

Non-accessible content

Content not subject to the accessibility obligation

The site uses a video player provided by the YouTube video broadcasting platform over which we have no control. We cannot guarantee the level of accessibility, but we have checked that the video player does not pose any blocking accessibility problems and does not disrupt access to the rest of the content in accordance with the principle of non-interference.

Drawing up this declaration of accessibility

This declaration was drawn up on 18/10/2024.

Technologies used to create the website

Test environment

The content rendition checks were carried out on the basis of the combination provided by the General Accessibility Standards reference database, with the following versions:

Tools for assessing accessibility

Site pages checked for compliance

  1. Home :
  2. Single page :
  3. Rich page (Key figures) :
  4. Contact :
  5. Sitemap :
  6. 404 :
  7. News :
  8. Press release :
  9. Expert insights :
  10. Podcast (with audio player) :
  11. List of publications :
  12. List of podcasts :
  13. List of magazines :
  14. Search results :
  15. Legal information :

Feedback and contact

If you are unable to access any content or service, you can contact us to be directed to an accessible alternative or to obtain the content in another form.

We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.

Avenues of appeal

It is important to remember that under article 11 of the February 2005 law :

“A disabled person has the right to compensation for the consequences of his or her disability, whatever the origin and nature of the impairment, his or her age or lifestyle.

If you notify us of a problem with accessibility and you are unable to obtain a rapid response from us, you are entitled to send your complaint or request for referral to the Rights Defender. There are several ways to do this: