Eco-construction & Sustainable building

Sustainable buildings designed for the future

The building sector is at the heart of numerous shifts: energy, carbon, ecological, digital, social and societal. As an investor, developer and manager, Covivio operates throughout the real estate life cycle in order to offer ever greener, more efficient buildings capable of meeting the climate challenge.

A global and sustainable vision of the building


Build or renovate




What is eco – construction?

Eco-construction is a responsible building practice that seeks to reduce the adverse impact of construction on the environment. Eco-construction aims to incorporate materials that respect the planet, maximise energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions. It provides a direct response to the climate emergency by creating healthy and sustainable living spaces and promoting a balance between the environment, the economy and social well-being.

An ambitious strategy for combatin climate change

Carbon trajectory: Covivio commits to a – 40% reduction

In 2017/2018, Covivio verified the compatibility of its European 2030 carbon trajectory with that of the Paris Agreement of December 2015.
Produced with the CSTB (French Scientific and Technical Centre for Building) and underpinned by a strong scientific foundation, this trajectory covers Covivio’s various products in Europe (offices, hotels and residential) and was validated by the SBT (Science-Based Targets) initiative in 2018.

In 2021 and ahead of its targets, Covivio stepped up its carbon ambitions to align with a 1.5°C trajectory and aim for a “Net Zero Carbon” contribution (Scopes 1 and 2) and a well-below 2°C trajectory (Scope 3 including construction/renovation).

These objectives lead to a target reduction of -40% between 2010 and 2030 in intensity per m² owned by Covivio in Europe.

Levers to achieve our objectives

Focus on renovation and fight against urban sprawl

  • More than 50% of our new operations are regeneration projects
  • Willingness to move towards net zero artificialization to preserve areas of biodiversity
  • Circular economy, sustainable materials and installation of high-performance equipment

Commit to low-carbon construction on a European scale

  • Drafting of LCA Europe specifications (Life Cycle Analysis) to standardize calculation methods
  • BBCA label or equivalent on at least 75% of new developments in France and 50% in Germany and Italy
  • Reliable measurement of the carbon footprint of operations

Acquire new tools

  • 2 tools developed in 2020 with CSTB to accompany the implementation of the carbon trajectory:
    • Construction/renovation part: to estimate the sensitivities to the impacts of the choice of materials and construction techniques on the carbon footprint of an operation.
    • Operation part: to calculate financial and carbon impact of the energy efficiency actions carried out on the portfolio

Promote the use of renewable energies

  • Installation of equipment on development projects
  • By 2030, 100% renewable electricity supply for our directly managed assets (80% at end 2023)
  • Make our tenants aware of this possibility for private areas

Mobilize all our stakeholders to make the climate transition a success

  • Responsible Purchase policy rolled out from 2011 and use of the EcoVadis platform since 2022
  • Strong partnership strategy with tenants (sustainable development committees, green annexes, etc.)
  • Governance bodies involved: creation of a CSR Committee in 2021

Activating the right CSR financial levers

Environmental certification

Energy/Carbon Labels

These labels applied during the development phase guarantee achievement of the highest standards in terms of energy and carbon emission efficiency. The main labels obtained for the Covivio portfolio are effinergie (linked to HQE), BRaVE (in Italy), BBCA (low-carbon building) in France, Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) in Europe, and E+C-.


of new Covivio projects in France awarded the BBCA label

Covivio has committed to obtaining BBCA certification for 75% of new projects in France and 50% in Germany and Italy. Covivio is a founding member of the Low Carbon Building Initiative, which has created a pan-European low-carbon label now available in eight countries. Covivio has also initiated an ISO 50001 certification process for its multi-tenant office buildings in France.


of new office projects awarded the well-being label

In keeping with its purpose, Covivio has committed to obtaining accreditation for all new office projects.

Well-being labels

Environmental well-being labels involve measuring and improving the consideration given to human factors during construction (WELL, OsmoZ) and management (Fitwel) of a building in order to optimise quality of life at work for occupants.

Connectivity labels

As connectivity is a major issue for buildings, connectivity labels – R2S, Wiredscore – tackle the various aspects related to digital technology in buildings: infrastructure, on-site wireless connectivity and digital security.


At 2023 year-end, 87% of the office pipeline was seeking such accreditation.

155 000

At 2023 year-end, 155,000 m² of tertiary surface area owned by Covivio held or was seeking to obtain a biodiversity label.

Biodiversity labels

Biodiversity labels – BiodiverCity®, Ecojardin – aim to ensure that biodiversity is taken into account at all stages of a project, including during operation. They are particularly relevant to projects involving extensive green spaces.


nature report

At the end of 2024, Covivio published its 1st Nature Report.
This report combines climate and biodiversity, and marks a new stage in Covivio’s CSR strategy.

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CSR commitments

Covivio's CSR policy, fuelled by a concrete innovation approach and covering all its activities and countries with the same ambition, aims to be transparent and measurable in order to generate a positive impact in the short, medium and long term.

Building smart buildings

Designed to be as flexible as they are scalable, the buildings designed by Covivio provide their occupants with optimum connectivity and a tailor-made range of services, for a seamless digital experience.

The European green taxonomy

One of the main objectives of the green taxonomy is to provide a uniform definition of what constitutes a sustainable economic activity.