Committed & responsible social policy

Committed & responsible social policy

Convinced that success depends on an ambitious and future-oriented human resources policy, Covivio strives every day to create an environment where its women and men can realise their full potential.

HR Policy

Recruitment as a lever for adaptation

Covivio’s recruitment strategy reflects a commitment to acquire and develop new skills so as to continually adapt its expertise to the challenges of its sector. Covivio cultivates its “incubator” approach by recruiting young people under 30 on open-ended contracts, apprenticeships or through its Graduate Program. The importance of the recruitment and onboarding process means that they receive sustained attention, notably through the Employer Brand policy led by ambassadors representing the company’s businesses.

Well-being at work

Aside from the company-level agreements on Quality of Life at Work (QLW), Covivio is extending the scope of its approach and implementing tailor-made policies for its staff. A helpline run by psychologists and semi-annual workload reviews have been set up. Remote working up to two days a week has also been rolled out across the company, with an inter-company crèche and support for family caregivers to help them with administrative procedures.

Diversity and equality

Promoting diversity
and equality

Covivio is committed to tackling all forms of discrimination and has put in place appropriate measures in all its activities in Europe. The Group signed up to the French Diversity Charter in 2010 and to the Global Compact in 2011 and has run initiatives focusing on gender equality and disability, for example.Through its responsible purchasing policy, Covivio asks its suppliers to commit to diversity and inclusion.

Ex-Aequo programme: striving for equality

Since 2017, this programme has sought to promote equal opportunities for women and men. It consists of awareness-raising activities (surveys, training, internal information meetings, etc.) and a mentoring programme to provide women with career management support and guidance, should they need it. Currently, 35 women in Europe are being mentored.

Covivio’s commitment
to the disabled

Covivio has launched its Mission Handicap, under the leadership of two disability referrers. The aim is to promote the direct and indirect employment of people with disabilities, and to raise employee awareness of the various forms of disability. An action plan, divided into 6 themes, with ambitious targets and figures for 2024, was approved by the ESC. At the same time, Covivio signed a 2-year agreement with Agefiph on June 13, 2023.

Employees commitment

The Covivio Foundation:
taking part in community life

Covivio created its Foundation in 2020. Its mission is to structure and strengthen our actions in the field of equal opportunity, and in particular access to education and training, work, housing and support for the integration of vulnerable populations.


associations supported in 2023


local committees


budget over 5 years


French and Italian employees mobilized during SoCovivio Week in 2023

Covivio 4 Climate

To go further and involve employees in its carbon trajectory, Covivio has launched a new transformation project in 2022: Covivio 4 Climate (C4C).
The aim? To reduce the group’s corporate carbon emissions by acting on the various levers of impact (mobility and travel policy, purchasing, consumption of buildings occupied by teams, IT practices, etc.). This began with a complete carbon assessment of all our greenhouse gas emissions at corporate level.
Then, through various awareness-raising stages, including the creation of climate murals, and the formation of a European team of climate ambassadors, Covivio drew up its C4C roadmap: a tool that will guide its actions and decisions in terms of corporate carbon impact.

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Sustainable building

The eco-construction of ever more virtuous and efficient buildings, capable of meeting the climate challenge.

Sustainable & inclusive city

Sustainable & inclusive city Building a smarter and more sustainable city in conjunction with local stakeholders.